This guide will help you identify and locate the daily and weekly repeatable quests available with The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom.
There are four repeatable quests you can obtain with the new Necrom chapter. Three daily quests will be found in The Telvanni Peninsula and the weekly trial quest will be found in the Sanity’s Edge trial.
All three daily quests will be immediately available after entering Apocrypha. There are no prerequisite requirements to open these dailies. You can complete the optional brief intro quest by reading the poster near the town’s entrance saying “Adventurers, Take Heed!” There will be three NPCs available that will give you your daily quests - Ordinator Nelyn, Ordinator Tilena and Ordinator Tandasea.

Daily repeatable quests are located inside the city of Necrom

Ordinator Nelyn, Ordinator Tilena and Ordinator Tandasea will give you the daily quests in Necrom
Ordinator Nelyn – World Bosses
There are six World Bosses in total - two on the Telvanni Peninsula and four in Apocrypha
Ordinator Tilena - Delves
There are six delves in total - two on the Telvanni Peninsula and four in Apocrypha
Ordinator Tandasea – Bastion Nymics (World Events)
Bastion Nymic is instanced group content for up to 4 players (similar to group dungeons). These are meant to be a bit of a challenge so we recommend grabbing a some guildies, a companion or you can check out some of our solo builds if you are interested in tackling these alone. If you are interested in learning more about Bastion Nymics you can check out our overview here.​
HOT TIP: You can only pick up one of each quest per day, but you can share quests to be able to do all of them - six World Boss quests, six Delve quests and four Bastion Nymic quest (one for each portal entrance).
Wizard Twelvane will have the weekly trial quest after entering Sanity’s Edge. Trials are 12 player content, so you’ll want to get your group together before running in!

Sanity's Edge Trial is located in the Southern part of the Telvanni Peninsula
The Necrom Daily Quests will award you with coffers that will include gear from any of the zone’s overland set as well as style pages and style items for the zones’ Motifs including Dead Keeper.​