Slay Tamriel’s most horrific monstrosities to obtain unique in-game rewards during the Witches Festival in-game event! We've put together some of the best resources so you can make the most of your time during this annual Elder Scrolls Online event. Check out the resources below, including and event overview, tips & tricks from veteran ESO players.
Begins: Thursday, October 24th at 10am ET
Ends: Wednesday, November 6th at 10am ET
Total Tickets: 26 tickets
Additional Event Bonuses: 100% XP buff for the duration of the event.
NOTE: you DO NOT need to use the Whistle to get the XP buff. It is now a global buff applied automatically. The Whistle summons the cauldron for the polymorph only.
Acquire the quest titled “The Witchmother's Bargain” free from the Crown Store. Complete the quest to receive the Witchmother's Whistle memento (you do not need to complete this again, if you already have the whistle).
Tickets: Two (2) tickets from defeating your first Tamriel boss of the day
Premium Loot Boxes: Earn Dremora Plunder Skulls once per day, per boss type including --
Arena Boss
Delve Boss
Group Dungeon Boss
Incursion Boss (Harrowstorms, Volcanic Vents, Dolmens, etc.)
Public Dungeon Boss
Trial Boss
World Boss
Infinite Archive
Crowborne Horror (complete “Plucking the Crow” quest)
Lord Hallowjack (complete “Lord of Fear” quest)
Additional Loot Boxes: You have a chance to earn additional Plunder Skulls when you continue to complete or defeat any of the above
Acquire the daily quest “Plucking the Crow” from Witchmother Taerma inside Olyve’s Brewery or at any Impresario tent. Collect 30 feathers from Plunder Skulls to open the portal to the Garden of Shadows where you will defeat the Crowborne Horror. After you fell the Crowborne Horror return to Witchmother Taerma for your reward.
Acquire the daily quest The “Lord of Fear” by visiting Priest Maxien Roudille inside the Witches Cove. He will task you with rescuing 3 haunted people in Grahtwood, Deshaan, and Stromhaven. After rescuing these people, you will head to the Seat of Detritus to face Lord Hollowjack. After you fell the Lord Hollowjack return to Priest Maxien Roudille for your reward.
NEW Plunder Skull Blunder Memento Runebox
NEW Senchal Horned Owl pet fragment
NEW Eltheric Revenant Outfit style pages
Witches Festival Writs
Glenmoril Teasure Map or Glenmoril armor outfit style page
Alchemy reagents and style items
Festival-themed furnishing recipes and furnishings
Festival-themed provisioning recipes
All three Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet pet fragments
The first two fragments for the Haven of the Five Companions house
Senchal Horned Owl pet fragments
Bound style pages for the Eltheric Revenant Outfit style
Plunder skull blunder memento
Spooky Furnishings
Webs, Cone furnishing
Hollowjack Lantern, Ouroboros furnishing
Specimen Jar, Spare Brain furnishing
Ruby Candlefly Gathering furnishing
Vampiric Lamp, Azure Tall furnishing
Vampiric Lightpost, Azure Single furnishing
Vampiric Container, Yellow Liquid furnishing
Witches Grab Bag (only purchasable if you haven’t yet collected all the previous items)
Skeletal Marionette memento
Spectre Mask collectible (one of four variations)
Apple-Bobbing Cauldron fragment
Throw Bones Memento fragment
Marshmallow Toasty Treat emote
Witch's Bonfire Dust
Ghastly Visitation memento
Witch-Tamed Bear-Dog pet fragment
Witchmother's Servant outfit style pages
Tomb of Forbidden Appitites memento
Ghost Netch Pet Fragments
Crowborne Hunter Style Pages
Group Repair Kits
Companion Guild Commendations
Impresario Assistant
All three Unstable Morpholith pet fragments
All three Dagonic Quasigriff mount fragments
All three Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet fragments
All three Daggerfall paladin costume fragments.
Hide shoulders style page
Aurora Firepot spider instructions
Indrik Vendor
Nascent Indrik Feathers
Pure Snow Indrik Berries
Crimson Indrik Berries
Frost-Light Indrik Pet
Rosethorn Indrik Pet

General Event Tips
Check your tickets before you turn in a quest - you can only have up to 12 tickets at a time. No one wants to defeat a boss, only to have to do it again because you didn't have room for tickets.
Before you buy from the Impresario, test the drop rate of event goodies - tickets are valuable so save them for the things that don't drop if you can!
Also, ask your guildies or check The Fox Den guild bank for free resources - sometimes people have extra they are willing to share! Exhaust your options before buying!
Items purchased form the Impresario are BOUND, but items from coffer drops are tradable and able to be sold on guild traders
There is a 5 minute cooldown on plunder skull drops. If you are on PC, the Plunder Skull timer addon will help keep track so you get the most of your efforts
Get up to 10 Gold Skulls per day filled with the premium loot drops by killing each of the different types of bosses
Final Arena Bosses
Incursion Bosses (Dark Anchor, Geyser, Craglorn Focus Points, Harrowstorms, Dragons, etc)
Delve Bosses
Final Dungeon Bosses
Public Dungeon
World Bosses
Final Trial Bosses
Infinite Archive
Plucking the Crow Quest
Lord of Fear quest
You can unlock the ability to purchase the Exorcised Coven Cottage home for in-game gold (250k) by completing the Witches Festival achievements
What is the NineTales' favorite farming area? Dire Bramblepatch (WB), Triple Circle Mine (Delve) and Lagomere Dolmen (Dark Anchor) triangle in Deshaan
Remember that you need to get enough damage in for a boss to be lootable in public areas, so drop an ulti or group up because group damage counts towards the total damage done
Make sure you have the necessary recipe & skill level to complete a writ before consuming - once you consume it you need to complete it before accepting another!
Looking for specific Dremora pages?
Legs and Bows - Arena final bosses (Dragonstar Arena, Maelstrom Arena, Blackrose Prison or Vateshran Hollows)
Belts and Staves - Delve bosses
Helmets and Maces - Group Dungeon final boss
Gloves and Daggers - Incursions & Special Event Bosses
Boots and Shields - Public Dungeon bosses, Imperial City bosses & Quest bosses
Chests and Swords - Trial final boss
Shoulders and Axes - World bosses
Any Weapon - Infinite Archive
Time Saving Tips
Quickest dungeon to farm? Fungal Grotto I - hit the first 2 Goblin bosses, jump down the waterfall and hit the final boss!
Complete Maelstrom Arena or Vateshran Hollows on as many characters as you can prior to the event, but don't complete the last arena. Finish the last boss during the event for your skull. This will save you the time DURING the event. Spend your precious time farming quicker bosses to get more skulls.
Power Leveling Tips
Complete all your Master Writs during the event! On top of the event double XP passive, pop a bonus XP Scroll or drink a Psijic Ambrosia to power level!
Gold Making Tips
Don't sell event drops (except writs) during the event, play the long game and sell 6-8 months from now when prices significantly increase again
Writs are an exception - these will go for a lot of gold at the beginning of the event as players scramble to get the titles and hats quickly
Farm the long content (trials & arenas) for style pages because these will sell for the most money - players don't want to farm the long content so there will be less pages available to saturate the market