Stalk Tamriel’s PvP battlefields during Whitestrake’s Mayhem across Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds. Earn bonuses to Alliance Points and XP gains, in-game rewards, and more!
We've put together some of the best resources so you can make the most of your Whitestrake's Mayhem Event. Check out the resources below, including and event overview, tips & tricks as well as some PvP focused builds to help you crush your enemy alliances.
Begins: Thursday, July 25th at 10am ET
Ends: Tuesday, August 6th at 10am ET
Total Tickets: 39 tickets
Special Bonuses: 100% AP bonus, 100% XP gain & 100% Tel Var Stone gains
Visit the in-game Crown Store to acquire the “Details on the Whitestrake’s Mayhem" quest
Travel to your Alliance War faction's main gate in Cyrodiil using the Alliance War menu or a Battlegrounds camp outside major cities
Find the NPC named “Predicant Maera" and continue the quest (if you already completed the quest in a previous year, you won't need to do it again)
Complete the quest to receive your first Pelinal's Boon Box
Note: You will no longer need to obtain or use the Scroll of Pelinal’s Ferocity to enjoy the 100% buff to Alliance Point, XP, and Tel Var Stone gains. These bonuses will now be shared passively to adventurers competing throughout Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds.
Harvesting resource nodes will drop extra resources
The Golden vendor will have jewelry from Cyrodiil’s item sets, in CP160 Legendary quality. (Note: All purchases in her shop must be made with Alliance Points. She will not accept gold.)
Weekend 1: Necklaces
Weekend 2: Rings
Tickets: Two (2) tickets from the first Cyrodiil or Battleground daily repeatable quest AND One (1) ticket from an Imperial City District daily quest
Loot Boxes: Earn loot boxes by completing any PvP daily quests or for every 20k AP earned in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds
NEW - Ayleid Lich Armor Style Page (very small chance to drop)
A Dovah's Du'ul Style Page may drop instead if you’ve already earned the Ayleid Lich Armor Style Page for the day
Parcel of Tel Var Stones
Cyrodiil repair kit
Soul Gems
Small chance to receive a Transmute Geode
ONE of the following:
Alchemy Ingredients
Prismatic Runestone
Style item for your Alliance or Akaviri armor styles
Daedric siege weapon
Whitestrake's Mayhem book furnishing
Forward Camp for your Alliance
Chapter of your Alliance's armor motif (small chance that the full book may drop)
Chapter for the Akaviri armor motif (small chance that the full book may drop)
Small chance to receive one or two fragments of the Alliance Breton Terrier pet
All three Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet fragments
Anchor Chain Fragment
Dark Anchor Pinion
Effigy of the Dominator
The first Anchorborn Welwa mount fragment
Bizarre Daedric Meat
Bound Ayleid Lich Armor Style Pages
Bag of Veteran's Glory (contains one previous event reward that you haven’t collected)
Group Repair Kit
Legion Zero Style Pages
Standard-Bearer Emotes, Staves and Shields
Second Legion Style Pages
Legion Zero Vigiles Pages
Ebonsteel Knight Armor Pages
Black Drake Clanwrap Style Pages, Warpaint Face and Body Markings
Battle-Scared Body and Face Markings
House Dufort Banneret Style Pages
Tools of Domination Weapon Style Pages
Gloamsedge Outfit Style Pages
Group Repair Kits
Companion Guild Commendations
Impresario's Assistant
All three Unstable Morpholith pet Fragments
All three Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet Fragments
All three Deadlands Firewalker personality Fragments
All three Aurelic Quasigriff mount Fragments
Indrik Vendor
Nascent Indrik Feathers
Onyx Indrik Berries
Onyx Indrik pet
Mossheart Indrik Berries
Mossheart Indrik pet

CHECK YOUR TICKETS - you can only hold 12 and will lose them if you go over!
Before you buy from the Impresario, test the drop rate of event goodies - tickets are valuable so save them for the things that don't drop if you can!
Also, ask your guildies or check the guild bank - sometimes people have extra they are willing to share! Exhaust your options before buying!
Items purchased form the Impresario are BOUND, but items from coffer drops are tradable and able to be sold on guild traders
Your character must be level 10 to participate in any PvP activities
You will earn both AP & Tel Var from completing activities and killing opponents during this event. Both of these currencies can be spent on special items including style pages, Golden Vendor items, siege equipment, rare materials, gear coffers, pets, costumes, etc.
Want to make some money? Here are some of the best selling items to flip:
Runeboxes (Cyrodiil and Imperial City)
Hakeijo Runes (Imperial City)
Powerful Assault Ice Staff (Imperial City)
Deadly Strike weapons (Bruma - Cyrodiil)
You do not need to be in the same faction to group with other players
If PvP is not your jam and you get "To the Victor" (win three Battlegrounds matches) daily quest you can drop it and get another one - the other two quests are much easier
Arena Gladiator's Proofs can be obtained once per day (per account) from Gladiator's Rucksacks by completing a Conquest daily quest in Cyrodiil. Open your coffers one per day to maximize how many Proofs you get.
You can share daily quests in groups and progress will be counted for the entire group if you're in the same area so group up if you can to get things done quicker!
Not into close up sweaty PvP? You can earn [double] AP buy repairing walls and doors. You can also stand on the walls of keeps and attack with siege weapons.
Siege weapons and repair kits can be purchased with AP or gold from the Siege merchants at your main bases or at any keep/outpost/resource you own
Town dailies are PvE quests, but those spots are often camped by griefers so be careful!
BANK YOUR TEL VAR STONES BEFORE LEAVING THE SEWER SAFE ZONE!!! Tel Var is the ONLY thing in game you can lose to other players. When you die you will lose half of your Tel Var currency. Go to the bank and deposit using the drop down menu in the 'Deposit Currency' screen. Tel Var will be blue. You cannot lose it from your bank, only on your person.
Siege of Cyrodiil Merits can be obtained once per day (per account) from Siegemaster's Coffers. So open your coffers one per day to can maximize how many Merits you can get
Strength in numbers! Don't be afraid to group up or follow a larger groups of people. It may save your life - and Tel Var!
Sewer and Base entrances are spots are often camped by griefers so be careful!
To get back to your faction base you need to go through the sewers. Need a quick port? Find a good hiding spot and open your Alliance War menu. Queue for any Cyrodiil campaign (ideally an open one) and you will be ported out of Imperial City and into a safe spot. You can requeue for Imperial City to get back to your base to finish your business. A few extra load screens can save some Tel Var! Like to live life dangerously? Plan on taking the sewers? Here are the sewer entrances closest to your home base:
Ebonheart Pact
Arena District
Memorial District
Daggerfall Covenant
Elven Gardens District
Nobles District
Aldmeri Dominion
Temple District
Arboretum District
Need to track down all the Patrolling Horrors for your event achievement?
Lady Malygda — a Spider Daedra
Ysenda Resplendent — a Harvester
Arena District
Glorgoloch the Destroyer — a Flesh Colossus
King Khrogo — a Daedroth
Elven Gardens District
The Screeching Matron — giant Clannfear
Zoal the Ever-Wakeful — a Watcher
Memorial District
Nunatak — a Frost Atronach
Volghass — a Flesh Atronach
Nobles District
Amoncrul — a giant Bone Colossus
Baron Thirsk — a Grievous Twilight
Temple District
Immolator Charr — a flaming Ogrim
Mazaluhad — a Lich