Find adventure and excitement within Wrothgar, Hew's Bane, the Gold Coast, and the Imperial City during the new Guilds & Glory Celebration in-game event in The Elder Scrolls Online.
We've put together some of the best resources so you can make the most of your time during the Guilds & Glory Celebration. Check out the resources below, including and event overview, tips & tricks from veteran ESO players.
Begins: Thursday, January 18th at 10am ET
Ends: Tuesday, January 30th at 10am ET
Total Tickets: 26 tickets
Additional Event Bonuses
Increased drops for harvesting nodes (does not include fishing holes or crafting materials obtained from animals)
Additional loot from --
World Bosses, Delve Bosses and Public Dungeon Bosses in Wrothgar, Hew's Bane, and the Gold Coast
Sweepers and Coldharbour Elite Guard inside Imperial City and Imperial Sewers
Bosses in the Maw of Lorkhaj
Bosses in Maelstrom Arena, Imperial City Prison, and White-Gold Tower dungeons
Double reward boxes for --
Wrothgar, Hew's Bane, the Gold Coast, and Imperial City Daily Quests
Maw of Lorkhaj Weekly Quest
Thieves' Guild Heists and Dark Brotherhood Sacraments
Just start questing and exploring any of the event areas!
Note: To participate in every aspect of this new event, you will need access to the Orsinium DLC, the Thieves Guild DLC, and the Dark Brotherhood DLC. Each is available within the Crown Store or can be accessed via an ESO Plus membership. The Imperial City DLC is free for all and can be claimed from the Crown Store at no cost.
Tickets: Earn two (2) tickets for completing one of the following:
Daily Delve and World Boss quests in Wrothgar
Daily Delve, World Boss, and Thieves' Guild quests in Hew's Bane
Daily Delve, World Boss, and Dark Brotherhood quests in the Gold Coast
Daily Quests in Imperial City
Weekly Trial Quest for Maw of Lorkhaj
Killing and looting a Sweeper in Imperial City
Killing and looting a Coldharbour Elite Guard in Imperial City Sewers
Killing and looting the final boss of Imperial City Prison and White-Gold Tower
Killing and looting the final boss of Maelstrom Arena
Premium Loot Boxes: You can receive up to three (3) premium loot boxes, one of each type, per day:
First daily quest completed in Wrothgar, Hew's Bane, or the Gold Coast or finishing the Maw of Lorkhaj weekly quest
Looting the final boss within the Imperial City Prison, White-Gold Tower, or Maelstrom Arena
Complete your first Imperial City daily quest or slay your first Sweeper boss (there is also a chance to receive a box after defeating a Coldharbour Elite Guard)
Additional Loot Boxes
Completing additional dailies in all event-related zones
Killing additional Sweeper bosses and defeating additional Coldharbour Elite Guards
Slaying World Bosses in the Wrothgar, Hew's Bane, or the Gold Coast zones
Defeating the final boss in Imperial City Prison, White-Gold Tower, or Maelstrom Arena dungeons
Opening treasure chests, safeboxes, Thieves Troves or Psijic portals
Looting objects such as barrels, crates, etc.
Harvesting crafting resource nodes
The event loot boxes may contain the following items with lower drops rates on regular boxes:
NEW Bristleback Hunter outfit style page
Crafting materials/Style items (dependent on where reward box drops from)
Saleable treasures
Tel Var Stones (Imperial City PvP only)
Imperial City Key Fragments (Imperial City PvP only)
Gear Set item (dependent on where reward box drops from)
Companion gear
Crafting recipes (from the zone in which you earn the box)
Treasure Maps and Survey Reports (from the zone in which you earn the box)
Motif chapters
Ancient Orc, Malacath, or Trinimac (Wrothgar Boxes)
Outlaw, Thieves' Guild, or Abah’s Watch (Hew’s Bane Boxes)
Assassin’s League, Minotaur, Dark Brotherhood, or Order of the Hour (Gold Coast boxes)
Xivkyn, Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, or Ebonheart Pact (Dungeon/Arena Boxes)
All three Molag Ball Illusion Imp pet fragments
The first Planemeld’s Master marking fragment - Crematory Ash
Bound style pages for Bristleback Hunter outfit style
Stonefire Scamp Pet
Soul-Shriven Skin
Impresario Group Repair Kits
Companion Guild Commendations
Impresario Assistant
All Unstable Morpholith fragments
All Doomchar Plateau House Fragments
Indrik Vendor
Nascent Indrik Feathers
Dawnwood Indrik Berries
Spectral Indrik Berries
Springtide Indrik Pet
Haunting Indrik Pet

Check your tickets before you turn in a quest - you can only have up to 12 tickets at a time. No one wants to get all the way to turn-in and have to leave to spend their tickets!
Before you buy from the Impresario, test the drop rate of event goodies - tickets are valuable so save them for the things that don't drop if you can!
Also, ask your guildies or check the guild bank - sometimes people have extra they are willing to share! Exhaust your options before buying!
Items purchased form the Impresario are BOUND, but items from coffer drops are tradable and able to be sold on guild traders
You will only be able to pick up one of each zone daily, but you can share to get the others so check zone chat and ask your fellow guildies to get more dailies done. The new group finder tool may also be a good way to get the other quests!
Before the event begins - pick up and complete today's zone and guild dailies but don't turn them in. Turn them after the event begins for an extra set of coffers!
If you are doing a Thieves' guild heist we recommend setting yourself offline. We may or may not have had guild members port to us during a heist and blow our cover...
You don't need to be good at the Thieves' guild or Dark Brotherhood quests to complete them. Getting them done is getting them done, so if you're a bit clumsy don't worry and do them anyway. Leave no survivors and heck the timers!
Take a few seconds to review the area map before you start charging in, it'll help you when it comes time to escape
What's really fun about these instances...the hidden "doors." There are hidden cut throughs that can easily go unnoticed but become really helpful when you need to hide or make your escape
For Dark Brotherhood, do the bonus first then go after the main target, you'll get a better reward but even if you don't think you can you might surprise yourself
If you're looking to max our your sneakiness, here are some good build tips to help --
If you are a Nightblade, the Shadowy Disguise skill is you go-to here
Stage 4 with Unnatural Movement passive
Mist Form skill is great to have if you're not a Nightblade
Gear Sets
Nightmother's embrace (5) [reduce radius by 2 meters and cost of sneak by 25%]
Night Terror (3) [reduce radius by 2 meters and cost of sneak by 10%]
Vesture of Darloc Brae (4) [reduce radius by 2 meters and cost of sneak by 10% + 5 piece bonus for the resource recovery while crouching]
Champion Points
Craft Tree
Sustaining shadows {S}
Steed's Blessing {S}
Fleet phantom {P}
Out of Sight {P}
Shadowstrike {S} (Dark Brotherhood related)
Fitness Tree
Thrill of the Hunt {S}
Celerity {S}
Slippery {S}
BANK YOUR TEL VAR STONES BEFORE LEAVING THE SEWER SAFE ZONE!!! Tel Var is the ONLY thing in game you can lose to other players. When you die you will lose half of your Tel Var currency. Go to the bank and deposit using the drop down menu in the 'Deposit Currency' screen. Tel Var will be blue. You cannot lose it from your bank, only on your person.
Siege of Cyrodiil Merits can be obtained once per day (per account) from Siegemaster's Coffers. So open your coffers one per day to can maximize how many Merits you can get
Strength in numbers! Don't be afraid to group up or follow a larger groups of people. It may save your life - and Tel Var!
Sewer and Base entrances are spots are often camped by griefers so be careful!
To get back to your faction base you need to go through the sewers. Need a quick port? Find a good hiding spot and open your Alliance War menu. Queue for any Cyrodiil campaign (ideally an open one) and you will be ported out of Imperial City and into a safe spot. You can requeue for Imperial City to get back to your base to finish your business. A few extra load screens can save some Tel Var! Like to live life dangerously? Plan on taking the sewers? Here are the sewer entrances closest to your home base:
Ebonheart Pact
Arena District
Memorial District
Daggerfall Covenant
Elven Gardens District
Nobles District
Aldmeri Dominion
Temple District
Arboretum District