Defeat the agents of Mehrunes Dagon and earn bonus rewards during this new Elder Scrolls Online in-game event! We've put together some of the best resources so you can make the most of your time during the Gates of Oblivion Celebration. Check out the resources below, including and event overview, tips & tricks from veteran ESO players.
Begins: Thursday, November 16th at 10am ET
Ends: Tuesday, November 28th at 10am ET
Total Tickets: 26 tickets
Additional Event Bonuses: increased drops for harvesting nodes, daily quests, dungeons, World Bosses and Delves in Blackwood and the Deadlands
Acquire the quest titled “Burdensome Beasts” free from the Crown Store or speak to Plokun, a Dremora found in the wilds northwest of Gideon in Blackwood.
Tickets: Earn two (2) tickets for completing one of the following:
A daily quest in Blackwood OR Deadlands
The weekly trial quest in Rockgrove
Defeat the final boss of Dread Cellar, Red Petal Bastion, Black Drake Villa, or The Cauldron
Premium Loot Boxes: You can receive up to two (2) premium loot boxes, one of each type, per day:
Zone Box
Complete a daily in Blackwood or the Deadlands
Complete the weekly quest in Rockgrove
Dungeon Box
Defeat the final boss of Dread Cellar, Red Petal Bastion, Black Drake Villa, or The Cauldron
Additional Loot Boxes
Zone Boxes
Complete daily quests
Defeat Delve and World Bosses
Open treasure chests, safeboxes, Thieves’ Troves, Psijic Portals
Pickpocketing NPCs
Harvest resource nodes
Loot containers such as barrels, crates, etc.
Defeating bosses in Dread Cellar, Red Petal Bastion, Black Drake Villa or TheCauldron
NEW Y’ffre’s Fallen-Wood style pages
Crafting materials/style items from zone styles
Zone set items (zone sourced coffers only)
Dungeon set items (dungeon sourced coffers only)
Blackwood and Deadlands furnishing plans
Treasure maps & surveys
Companion Gear
Motif pages for:
Sul-Xan (overland)
Black Fin (overland)
Ivory Brigade (overland)
House Hexos (overland)
Fargrave Guardian (overland)
Annihilarch’s Chosen (overland)
True-Sworn (dungeon)
Waking Flame (dungeon)
Knights of the Silver Rose (dungeon)
Crimson Oath (dungeon)
All three Passion Dancer Blossom pet fragments
First two Hoardhunter Ursauk mount fragments
NEW Y’ffre’s Fallen-Wood style pages
Group Repair Kits
Companion Commendations
Impresario Assistant
All Unstable Morpholith fragments
All Dagonic Quasigriff mount fragments
Indrik Vendor
Nascent Indrik Feathers
Crimson Indrik Berries
Pure Snow Indrik Berries
Frost-Light Indrik Pet
Rosethorn Indrik Pet

Check your tickets before you turn in a quest - you can only have up to 12 tickets at a time. No one wants to get all the way to turn-in and have to leave to spend their tickets!
Before you buy from the Impresario, test the drop rate of event goodies - tickets are valuable so save them for the things that don't drop if you can!
Also, ask your guildies or check the guild bank - sometimes people have extra they are willing to share! Exhaust your options before buying!
Items purchased form the Impresario are BOUND, but items from coffer drops are tradable and able to be sold on guild traders
There are a total of six World Boss and six Delve daily quests in Blackwood and another six World Boss and six Delve daily quests in the Deadlands. You will only be able to pick up one each but you can share to get the others so check zone chat and ask your fellow guildies to get more dailies done.
Before the event begins - pick up and complete today's zone dailies but don't turn them in. Turn them after the event begins for an extra set of coffers!